Wednesday, January 9, 2013

last days in kenya.

Today is just a rough day.
We only have one more day left in Msambweni. I woke up today with a bad attitude about being here and feeling like we’re not going to affect anyone in 2 days. We prayed this morning about our day and I prayed especially about healing. God has given me that word about outreach in general. Healing will come. I also asked for eyes to be opened to the pain that people suffer around us. Welp, my heart is broken. And I have no solution to anything that I’ve discovered today. Nothing. It’s so hard to watch someone cry, and have absolutely no solution for them. All I can do is pray for them. I hate the injustice that happens daily, and no one knows. No one cares enough to solve the problem. Or they’re like me, and have no solution to it.
The school has started back up at action ministry. I didn’t help out in the classroom today, and I think that was God having mercy on me. I was there during their recess and I almost went insane. The kids are so horribly mean to each other. Bullying breaks my heart. There’s one little boy here named macongo (not sure if that’s how you spell it) and he has cerebral palsy. The kids are so mean to him. And they just don’t know any better, because the parents don’t parent here. I’m just frustrated because I don’t know what to do. We’re leaving in 2 days. What the heck can I do in the next 2 days?!
At one point I had go and pick macongo up from the ground because he was lying on the ground and the kids were surrounding him, mocking and shoving him. The injustice in the situation is way too much. My heart is broken for these kids. They don’t know any better, but they need to be taught better. How to love each other, how to treat other.

I’m lost today. I’ve just been praying, wondering what I can do. And then I realized that’s the wrong question. It’s not what I can do. It’s never what I can do. What can God do? How can His glory be brought to this place? So even though I know that’s what I need to be asking, I still want to fix it. The problem with the kids is something that just needs to be taught every day, consistently. It’s not something we can just teach them tomorrow and then leave. True discipleship is not teaching once and then leaving them with the information, alone. And I guess that’s something I’m struggling with today too. How do we have true discipleship to everyone here when we’ve only been here a month? And we leave soon.

My mind is all over the place today, and there’s not much rhyme or reason. I know this is just a rambled mess.
I know God is doing a lot in me. That’s what I’m holding onto right now. And I’m excited for change that has happened while we were here. And Nicaragua will be amazing.
So as much as i would love to upload some pictures onto here, it's just not possible here. I'll just have a lot when i get home!
love you guys! :)


Thursday, January 3, 2013

life in kenya.

Isaiah 61:1
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has annointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness
for the prisoners..."

For the first 2 weeks I was here, all i could do was wonder why I was here. It's hot. Sweaty. Completely overwhelming. And the first time I got onto a matatu (14 passenger van that really has over 20 passengers that they use as public transportation) i thought i was going to die. But then i got back from the bush (more on that later) and saw our African castle. And i just got an overwhelming love for this place.

We are here to DO Isaiah 61:1. And although i'm realizing we may not see the impact that we have here, we are making a difference through Jesus. God has done an incredible work in our team alone. We are becoming more unified each day. Sometimes I'll look around at everyone at the end of the day while we're eating dinner and i can't believe how it worked out that we're all here together.

My week in the bush:
Oh man. It was incredibly hard. It was just 4 of us from my team that went with a church in Mombasa. The trip was over Christmas, So not only was i already away from my home on christmas, i was away from my home in africa as well. However Christmas day changed my entire outloook in life. I preached on christmas day, and although i just gave a typical christmas message, i had a good time.I also decided to get over myself and move on from being homesick and pathetic. One thing that comforted me the whole time i was in the bush was that i was called there. No one asked me to go. I volunteered. And if God hadn't told me to, i wouldn't have volunteered myself.
The bush taught me obedience. Patience. Love. And also, that sharing a squattie with someone bonds you for life. :)

So yeah, i miss my family and friends. But i sincerely love this place. The specific village we're in, Msambweni, desperately needs hope and light. The kids neeed parents who know how to parent. And the people just really need to know about Jesus and His life.

This past week we've been doing sunday school in the morning with the kids and then painting in the afternoon. Someone on our team designed the paintings for the school at blessed camp and that's what we've been working on since i've been back from the bush. I really enjoy what we do.
I'm so blessed to be here. The people are so beautiful, and some of the most welcoming people i've ever met. Everywhere we go, if the kids aren't saying "Mazungu!", they're saying "Caribu!"
*Mazungu means white in swahili. baha.
caribu means welcome.

I know i'm come home a different person. My eyes have been opened to the world. Jsut being in this small corner of Africa has completely changed my outlook on life. I would love to come back to Action ministry in 5 years and see how they're doing. They prayed consistently for a team like ours.are quite literally an answer to prayers. And I reallly think we're only laying the foundation for them. I feel like this minstry will explode in the next 5-10 years. Life is beautiful here. With all my love to everyone. Know that i miss you guys, but i'm right where i'm supposed to be. Next adventure, Nicaragua!!

*prayer requests
-strength, endurance, energy for our team
-hope, light and restoration for Msambweni


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Equal. Dignity. Perfect Love.

                                                   Open your eyes...

We went to Modesto this past week to work with the YWAM base located there.

Words that describe the past week of my life. It was an amazing week. Completely different than average schedule for us. The YWAM base there focuses on homeless ministry, their focus being justice. We worked along side them all week long, mostly focusing on a certain area of Modesto, south 9th street. Also known as no-man's land, the place of the forgotten, the rug where all problems are swept under...etc. This certain section of Modesto is where people go to be forgotten. When you fly past rock bottom... you land on South 9th street. It's a sad, disheartening place. But the YWAM base is bringing hope, food, and most importantly love to these people. They create friendships and they are beautiful friendships to see.

The worst part of seeing these people who have gone beyond rock bottom was not that they don't want to change. Their lack of clothing in some cases. Their bitterness towards anyone who wants to help them. Their anger. No. It was the fact that I can easily cut myself off emotionally from it. I can just stand there...and not see their pain. Feel their pain. Hear their pain. That I am capable of being so...cold towards someone in such need of just someone to treat them with dignity. Love. Respect. What is wrong with my heart? That I can just look away and pretend i didn't see the woman who just got her 6th hotdog because she hasn't eaten in days? Maybe a week? I am just human. Saved by grace. I do not understand why God has grace for things like this. I am CALLED to love these people. And all i could think while i was serving hotdogs one night was "Jesus. I don't think i'm cut out for this. I can't do this..."

We are all humans, saved by grace. If you know Jesus, you know this. But why does He have grace towards our cold, walled off hearts? Perfect, unconditional love. It's just unreal how much He loves us. I will never, EVER comprehend it. But i hope to be pursuing that comprehension for the rest of my life.

To say the least, I am learning. This past week has taught me a lot, not a lot of it dealing with Modesto. I'm realizing more and more of how incapable i am of doing anything without Jesus. I can't have grace with his grace first. I only love because He first loved us.

We are equal before God's eyes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I need to be real in these posts. I know I do. That's always been a struggle for me, to answer honestly when people ask me how i am. People want to hear the real answer, not the standard crap answer that has no substance at all. It's exhausting. To be honest, vulnerable, open. But that's what makes a powerful testimony. It's those testimonies that change people's lives. WHAT did God do in your life? WHAT is He doing now? That's what affects people. But being vulnerable is so hard. You set yourself up for pain, rejection, criticism. No one wants that. Which is why we put walls around our hearts. And I think it's good to be smart about who you're vulnerable with. But if it makes a powerful testimony and brings glory to God then do it!

On that note. God's been doing ridiculous things. Like not necessarily things that affect ME personally, but how I, as a person, can affect how this world works. I'm starting to realize how much the way my life is impacts others. I'm actually here, leaving my mark behind. And all I can do is do the best i can to make sure that mark is beneficial to others. An encouragement. A help. How do i do this?! Someone told me today (our speaker this week actually) that i'm here to learn how to have a gentle spirit. To understand what others go through. That i'm already strong and will be an encouragement to others in that way, but i need to learn how to be gentle in that strength. Which is so true. I'm often brutally honest, and i don't realize that it hurts people. I don't want that to be my mark left behind! I want to leave behind truth, but not pain. I want to leave behind encouragement, not harsh words. So if any of you feel like spending an extra minute talking to Jesus today, maybe lift that up to Him.

I think that's really all i had to say today. I'm just learning how to speak actual wisdom into other people. And i don't want to screw it up. Thanks for listening guys. I love you all so much! So so much. :)
~allie a.~

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I've been thinking this past week. That I honestly can't say that I know who I am, really. But, I'm learning more and more. Troy, our speaker last week, was saying that every single person is called to disciple the nations. So if we don't know what specifically God is calling to us to do with our lives, then that's what we do. Because no matter what your calling is, God has called everyone to go and disciple the nations. We get so caught up in asking God what we should do, what he wants us to do, what our calling is..etc. That we lose the big picture of what living as a christian is truly about. And that, according to my small opinion is this:
To love God, others and self. To disciple. To serve others around you. To be humble. To LOVE. We are called to LOVE.

I've heard that my entire life. To love your neighbor as yourself. But it has never really hit me as hard as it has this week. We are called to love murderers. People who have hurt us deeply. Rapists. Really? Jesus wants us love these people. With his perfect love. It sounds so simple. In theory, it is so simple. Love. That's all. But when you think about it in the big picture sense, it's so hard. How are we supposed to love people with bitterness in their hearts? With pain and anger towards the world? So hurt that they hurt others? These are the people that we're called to love with God's perfect love. And it's only with Jesus living inside of us that we can do that. I know this sounds like baby christian stuff. But it has never hit me so hard until today. It is honestly all about love! Yeesh. I love revelations like this.

Just a little view from Silence and Solitude day

We had silence and solitude yesterday. Such a good day. We went to a near by state park called Montana De Oro. I walked along the bluffs the whole time. Every once in awhile i'd find a cool place to stop and just write in my journal and read my bible. But most of the time it was just walking along, hanging out with Jesus. I never take the time to do this in my normal life. It was an incredible time. It was so BEAUTIFUL too.

So anyway. That's a little peek into my head this week. I love you all! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So many questions

fun times on fun day
I'm really not good at this am i? Sorry guys. I guess it honestly only has been like 2 weeks since i last posted but it feels like centuries in my world!
Today is monday. Beginning of my fourth week.  Second week with Troy Sherman as our speaker. A little summary of lectures so far:
That's how i feel about life right now. and myself. and Jesus. and anything that i've been taught about my faith until this point. My world has been rocked.
Just a few questions that are constantly roaming through my brain now (and probably will go through yours too):
Where do we honestly get our belief system?
Why do we close our eyes when we pray? It never said ONCE in the Bible to please bow your heads and close your eyes when you pray.
Why is a church service so programmed?
If Jesus said that, even if I served Him my entire life with my entire heart, I wouldn't get into heaven, would I continue to follow Him?
Just some things to ponder. I am now constantly haunted by these questions. and plenty more.
This upcoming weekend is Bible weekend. We're not entirely sure what that means yet, but i'm thinking we're gonna be reading a rather large section of the Bible! I think it'll be fun actually. I'm a nerd when it comes to reading though. haha!
I cannot believe how fast time is going here. This is already my FOURTH week! It feels like i've been here forever on some levels but also like i literally just got here.
I've figured out that i'm AWFUL at taking pictures. But thankfully there's a photography track here that will just take a million pictures in place of the ones that i'm not taking! haha!
Pismo pier

We found out an average of what the plane tkts will cost for outreach. 1,584. Incredibly cheap for going to TWO countries.  However, i still don't have the money. haha. i know that God's got it. i'll be sending out support letters soon just to give everyone a new update of what's going on. Please comment or message me on Facebook with your address if you want to recieve one!
Alrighty, i'm gonna sign out friends! thanks for all the prayers and support!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Africa Bound!

Newest update! 
This past week we as a school prayed about where God wants to send us on outreach. It was decided that there'd be 3 different teams, (Philip, Audrey and Paula as leaders). So we all prayed. Some of us got some super random stuff from God. Like a toaster. Baha!. As the week went on the anticipation rose among us, trying to figure out what teams we'd be on and where we'd be going. On friday the staff prayed together and finally announced to us that 2 teams would be off to East Africa and one team would be going to Nicaragua. We all went off on our own and prayed about where to go and which team to be on.
I know the suspense is killing you all.
To finish my story off, I went off and prayed. Really just danced around like a maniac and told God that I really wanted to go to Africa but wherever He sent me was where I would go.
God told me Africa. :)
I am super super excited. I have felt such a draw to Africa ever since I knew i was going to do a DTS and even before that. There's even more! The school leaders really feel like we all need to meet up in Nicaragua at some point, so i'll actually get to go to Africa AND Nicaragua! Ha! So cool!!

   Now that the exciting news has been said, i'll move onto other happenings. Tomorrow lectures start for real! This next week the theme of our week is Discipleship. I'm so excited to experience my first real week. Tomorrow morning is Monday so we'll have worship and intercession at a church that lets us use their space. I've only had one other Monday here but so far i'm loving the Mondays! Which a nice change, usually Mondays are not the greatest. 
That's all i've got for now. I love you all!

*Psalm 100
Just a little chapter i especially love this week. Audrey gave a very thought provoking message on worship this week and that chapter stood out to me.